Saturday, July 24, 2010

The search for the "perfect" title. . .

Postponed Perfection. That's my life in a alliterative nutshell. When I decided to start this blog, I was having a hard time trying to encompass its purpose in a short-and-sweet title.

After hours of (considering) beating my head on the wall, plotting my husband's demise in order to eliminate his foghorn-in-the-night-calling-ships-home caliber snoring (which surprisingly does not help in the creative process), and having to eliminate my first six ideas because other "writers" had taken them. . . I finally decided to consult an expert.

I signed onto Facebook, hoping that someone was online at 1 A.M. on a Friday night. I was in luck. My dear friend Ray (author the blog American Razor, and creator of was fighting an alcohol-induced slumber by surfing the web, and fortunately answered my plea for literary assistance. After bouncing a few ideas around, our conversation turned to my life and why I wanted to write a blog in the first place.

Ray explained - in a way that only Ray could explain - how he viewed my life. He stated that I seem to have the perfect life: the beautiful children, the awesome husband. . . but perfection always seems to be just out of my reach. Postponed Perfection.

Pure. Genius.

He was right. I had never viewed my life in such a way. I'm always so caught up in living my life, that I've never taken the time to view it objectively. I do have all of the makings of a perfect life within arm's reach:

I have a doting husband who - although he's leaving the family for a year to work as a private contractor in Afghanistan - would do anything to make me happy. I have two beautiful sons. . . who fill my life with so much joy and laughter, I could explode at any moment. I'm pursuing a career that I love, with a dream that is absolutely within reach (as long as I stick to the plan). I don't have to work because my husband is selfless and motivated. Heck, I even have a dog that makes me (and seemingly everyone who meets her) happy.

But perfection is always just slightly unachievable.

I could explain further, but then there wouldn't be a purpose to this blog. What fun is it to reveal the contents of the package in its entirety before it's unwrapped?

Besides, there are always new things happening in my life that are worth talking about. I can't promise a New York Times Bestseller here, but I can guarantee you'll be at least slightly amused by my life's twists and turns.